A BSC Newsletter

The Home for the Business of Biomimetic Dentistry 



Join 10K+ Subscribers to the Biomimetic Uprising.  Get 1 actionable tip plus supporting resources on biomimetic dentistry every Saturday. 


Previous Issues of The Biomimetic Uprising


TBU # 014: How to Improve Your Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry Techniques foundations of biomimetic dentistry tonali vazquez Mar 28, 2022

So I get asked this question a lot, "How can I improve what I'm doing with biomimetic dentistry?"

This is a loaded question as not everyone is the...

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TBU # 013: Treatment Approaches of Subgingival Cavity Margins deep margin elevation gingivectomy meryem alhalid orthodontic extrusion surgical crown lengthening Mar 21, 2022

Deep margin elevation (DME) is an important procedure that every dentist should master.  It is usually applied because its a very...

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TBU # 012: Biomimetic Tip: Reel Matrix, Band within a Band band within a band deep margin elevation garrison dental Mar 17, 2022

My preferred matrix band is the reel matrix from Garrison Dental Solutions.  It has the most versatility to it and is easy to handle and use...

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TBU # 011: Deep Margin Elevation and Subgingival Defects deep margin elevation meryem alhalid reel matrix Mar 09, 2022

Subgingival margins are a common clinical challenge, that is because of the difficulty in obtaining sufficient restorative access and a...

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TBU # 010: Deep caries management: Peripheral seal zone (PSZ) deep caries management meryem alhalid peripheral seal zone Feb 24, 2022

Have you ever drilled a tooth then spend the rest of the day wondering if you have excavated all caries that are left there? Well, I did. That...

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TBU # 009: How To Create A Peripheral Seal Zone caries detecting dye how to peripheral seal zone Feb 21, 2022

How to create a peripheral seal zone that prevents recurring failures and keeps the tooth alive can be a tricky thing.  Complete removal of...

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TBU # 008: Biomimetic Tip Tuesday: What to do with Sclerotic Dentin dentin bonding sclerotic dentin Feb 15, 2022

What are we supposed to do with Sclerotic Dentin? 

Sclerotic dentin can be a confusing thing to deal with.  Especially if we are trying...

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TBU # 007: Biomimetic Tip Tuesday: 3 Tips to Improve Your Peripheral Seal Zone in Your Preps biomimetic dentistry caries detecting dye cerabur komet peripheral seal zone Feb 08, 2022

This month's focus is on understanding the importance of the peripheral seal zone in our preps.  This can be very stressful stage of our...

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TBU # 006: Biomimetic Dentistry Monthly Focus biomimetic dentistry montly focus Feb 05, 2022

I have been studying biomimetic dentistry independently since 2012.  I was first introduced to it in dental school at USC by Pascal Magne....

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TBU # 005: February Webinars, Courses, and Coaching Calls Feb 01, 2022

Its a new month! There are a handful of worthwhile online events that are coming up.  

As always with the first Friday of every month, we are...

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TBU # 004: Biomimetic Tip Tuesday: How to Charge For Biomimetic Dentistry biomimetic dentistry business of biomimetics fee schedule Feb 01, 2022

"How do I make money doing biomimetic dentistry?" is a common question I get. The truth is the best way to make money as a biomimetic dentist is to...

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TBU # 003: Dental Job Openings! classifieds Jan 26, 2022

It can be tough finding a biomimetic dental job sometimes.  I know I've felt lost numerous times when looking for the right place to go....

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