TBU # 019: 3 Common Mistakes When Placing a Dental Bonding Agent

common mistakes dental bonding agnets jeff davies May 06, 2022

When it comes to placing a dentin bonding agent, we want to be sure of a few important factors.  More is not always better! Preforming the proper bonding steps will ensure that we are maximizing our potential bond strengths.  Here are some common mistakes when bonding:

1. The bonding agent, or adhesive layer, is too thick/thin in certain portions of our preps.

Either being too thick or being too thin can both be problematic.  If its too thin, we run the risk of not having any bonding agent on certain portions of the tooth.  This can be especially problematic if its closer to the pulp on moist dentin.  If there is a portion of no adhesive layer, this can lead to lowered bond strengths, leaks, gaps, etc.  The same can be said if the bonding agent is too thick.  We can also have adverse effects to our potential to bond to the tooth.  

Another issue is that when we take a radiograph of this tooth later on, it can be easy to get confused if there is decay or if its actually the bonding agent were looking at, as sometimes it can appear radiolucent.  Certain bonding agents are more radio opaque/lucent.  So its always a good idea to familiarize yourself with how your products look on a radiograph.   

2.  We don't allow enough time to adequately let the adhesive layer adapt to the tooth.

If we are in a hurry, get sloppy, or other wise nonchalant with our work, we can also be severely compromising our work.  It takes time to ensure the bonding agent is adequately placed on the tooth and not just slopped on there with a quick pass of the micro brush.  We need to work the adhesive into the tooth.  When we wick away the excess, we are ensuring that all portions are covered and enough has found its way into the dentinal tubules. 

3.Using air to thin the bonding agent.

This is the classic way to thin the bonding agent.  However, if we are not careful we can create more problems than what its worth.  If we are using the three-way syringe tip, we can induce small amounts of water droplets on the prep and in our newly forming hybrid layer.  

If we are using the suction to thin it, we can possibly run into the first too issues mentioned, too thin or even not at all in certain areas.   

Wicking away the excess is a solution to ensure that we are properly placing the bonding agent as it needs to be.  This is an easy step that takes little to no time and will only help you in the future by eliminating potential problems. 


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